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Spring Offer

Only now: save up to 50% on all injury rehab and prevention plans.
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Runners looking at app
Plan exercise videos
Daily exercises
Plan exercise videos
10+ plans
Plan exercise videos
600+ high-quality videos
An app that adapts to your progress
Based on your progress the app will adapt your plan and prevent injuries.
Save up to
50% on all plans.
Run stronger. Recover faster.
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Exakt Health app
How Exakt Health works
Intelligent training individualized
We combined medical research with modern design and technology in a sports injury rehab app. Your access to a new kind of injury care.
Intelligent training individualized
Evidence-based rehab plans
Plan and customize your weeks ahead
Available in English, German, Spanish and French
Adapted to your progress
Clear guidance with videos
Reviewed by licensed physios
Trusted by runners worldwide
Frequent questions
Download in your app store
Recover from anywhere. Get access to certified running injury treatment plans.
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Exakt Health app